Professional Legal Services
Notary Public
$15 per signature. We can also travel to you for an additional fee.
Whether you require notarization for contracts, affidavits, family, real estate documents, or any other legal paperwork, we are here to assist you.
Loan Document Signing
Copy Certification - POA
Custom Letters & Forms
Starting at $75
We assist you in creating a wide variety of documents. Our documents are sourced by attorneys to ensure they are accurate and thorough. A short list includes:
Power of Attorney​
Wills & Testaments
Real Estate
Residential lease Agreement​
Quitclaim Deed
Promissory Note​
Bill of Sale
Confidentiality Agreement​
Child Travel Consent​
Legal Name Changes
Immigration / Inmigracion
Fees Vary (Contact us for Quote)
We provide assistance for a wide variety of forms. A short list inludes:
Form I-130: Family Petition
Form I-31: Application for travel
Form I-485: Application for Permanent Residency
Form N-400: Application for Citizenship
I-90 Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card
AR-11 Change of Address
I-864 (Affidavit of Support)
Starting at $500
Court fee not included.
Married less than 5 years, w/ agreement, no children $500
Married 5+ years, no agreement $700
Divorce w/children, w/agreement $600
Process Serving -L.A. County only, starts at $75
Marital Settlement Agreement $400
Divorce Amendment (1st only) $150
Married by Maricela (MbM) is not a law firm. Maricela Lazarit-Bonilla is not a lawyer and cannot give legal advice. Neither MbM nor Maricela Lazarit-Bonilla can represent you in court. MbM can provide document preparation services at the client's direction.
​Services provided by MbM are not a substitute for the advise of a lawyer. If you have questions regarding the section of appropriate forms, you should seek the advice of a lawyer.
​Married by Maricela (MbM) no es un bufete de abogados. Maricela Lazarit-Bonilla no es abogada y no puede dar consejos legales. Ni MbM ni Maricela Lazarit-Bonilla pueden representarlo en la corte. MbM puede proporcionar servicios de preparación de documentos a nombre del cliente.
Los servicios provistos por MbM no sustituyen el asesoramiento de un abogado. Si tiene preguntas con respecto a la sección de formularios apropiados, debe consultar un abogado .
Disclaimer: The information presented is intended to convey general information only and not to provide legal advice or opinions. Communication of information should not be construed as, and should not be relied upon for, legal or tax advice in any particular circumstance or fact situation. It is not intended to serve as legal advice. You should not rely upon any information discussed or presented here without first seeking legal advice from an attorney licensed to practice law in your jurisdiction.